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Here, we show that functionalization of the 4-arylidene position of the fluorescent curcumin scaffold with an aryl nitrogen mustard provides a stable Hck inhibitor (Kd = 50 ± 10 nM). The mustard curcumin derivative preferentially interacts with the inactive conformation of Hck, similar to type-II kinase inhibitors that are less promiscuous. Moreover, the lead compound showed no inhibitory effect on three other kinases (DYRK2, Src, and Abl). We demonstrate that the cytotoxicity may be mediated via
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The functionalization of the methylenic position in the diketone motif of bqkln pëķëtlêr curcumin by the aryl nitrogen mustard thus altered the target specificity toward Hck over DYRK2, Abl, and Src. In spite of the encouraging results, the instability in the cellular environment may eclipse the potential of 4.
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